Description of MAILDOCS

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**********************  UNCLASSIFIED  **********************************
* :nick.MAILDOCS   :sec.UNCLASSIFIED                  :disk.VMTOOLS
* :title.Mass MAIL or DELETE of OV/VM documents.
* :version.1.9     :date.96/03/25   :summary.PACKAGE  :support.X
* :oname.Les Paton                  :onode.GNKVM      :ouser.LPATON
* :aname.Les Paton                  :anode.GNKVM      :auser.LPATON
* :sw.Rexx, XEDIT
* :ops.VM/ESA, VM/SP                :lang.Rexx        :source.Y
* :doc.PACKAGE
* :abs.MAIL or DELETE all documents in a $SEARCH$ OFSDATA file.
* This file results from a PROFS/OFFICE search.
* :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant
* IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material
* as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference.
* (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1988, 1996.
*                         All Rights Reserved.
* No  service,  support  or  maintenance is  expressed  or  implied.  For
* additional information refer to the LICENSE agreement for this tool.
* Go into PROFS/OFFICE SEARCH ( PF3 on the Main Menu 1 ). After the
* search completes press PF3 to save the results on your A-disk.
* That file $SEARCH$ OFSDATA becomes input to this package.
      MAILDOCS LICENSE  * License agreement
      MAILDOCS EXEC     *
      DELDOCS  EXEC     *
* Both execs have options as follows.....
* Pause n
*  Pause after every n documents processed.  Default is 10.
*  This provides the user with an opportunity to halt the processing.
* DATE yymmdd - yymmdd
*  Process only the documents within the given date range.
*  If the second date  of the range  is omitted then  the current date is
*  assumed.
*  Examples....
*   MAILDOCS ( DATE 940101 - 940531
*             would process only documents created in January through May
*             of 1994.
*   DELDOCS  ( DATE 930000 - 931231
*             would process only documents created during 1993.
* Dependencies....
* MAILDOCS uses WINDSLCT PACKAGE from VMTOOLS if it is available. If not
* then it gets by without it.