Description of LPREXX
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From Les Paton (InterNet <=== Comments, questions, observations.
Latest news at 13:45:13 on 2 Mar 1998.
Fixed a Year 2000 date problem in DATEADD REXXCODE.
Package Description.
Package name | LPREXX |
Title | Misc. REXX routines from LP. |
Version | 1.14 |
Updated | 98/02/27 |
Author | Les Paton |
Node | GNKVM |
Userid | LPATON |
Alternative author | Les Paton |
Node | |
Userid | les_paton |
Software requirements | Rexx |
Operating System | VM/ESA, VM/SP |
Software language used | Rexx |
Source code provided, Y(es) or N(o) | Y |
Summary provided in file | PACKAGE |
Documentation provided in file | PACKAGE |
Abstract | Rexx routines to do various things. |
Package Content within the VMARC file.
LPREXX LICENSE * License instructions for the VM DownLoad Library. DOTS EXEC * FULLSCREEN demo TIMEWNDW EXEC * FULLSCREEN demo ( show time ) REXXMSG EXEC * List Rexx error messages QMSG REXXCODE * Change and restore message settings GLOBALS REXXCODE * Set GLOBAL values DISKLINK REXXCODE * Link a disk RXBRIGHT REXXCODE * Make a message field bright ( highlighted ) GETNAME REXXCODE * Get a temporary workfile name WILDCARD REXXCODE * Match strings using 'wildcard' characters EPSWRDRL SAMPXEDI * Over-ride the OV/VM default RDRLIST DATEADD REXXCODE * Add/subtract days to the date USAGE REXXCODE * Quietly report usage statistics UPUT EXEC * When you use 'USAGE REXXCODE' you get files * in your reader which are generated by the * users of your code. You can save these files * by simply typing UPUT alongside the file in * the RDRLIST display. * NOTE UPUT uses RSCSINDX SCRIPT, available from * Disk = VNETREQ : VNETINFO at VNETCMC
Enjoy this package. If you have any questions or observations then send them to me by clicking on my name at the top of this page.