Description of LP-PACK
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7 this month, 5468 altogether.
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From Les Paton<=== Comments, questions, observations.
Package Description.
Package name | LP-PACK |
Title | Inter-related PACKAGEs supported by LP. |
Version | 1.23 |
Updated | 97/06/12 |
Author | Les Paton |
Node | GNKVM |
Userid | LPATON |
Alternative author | Les Paton |
Node | |
Userid | les_paton |
Software requirements | Rexx |
Operating System | VM/ESA, VM/SP |
Software language used | Rexx, XEDI |
Source code provided, Y(es) or N(o) | Y |
Summary provided in file | PACKAGE |
Documentation provided in file | PACKAGE |
Abstract | This is a list of the interrelated packages written by the author. |
Package Content within the VMARC file.
LP-PACK LICENSE * License instructions for the VM DownLoad Library. * * Available from VMTOOLS, IBMVMGAT and the VM WEb Site Download Library. * * $SUBSET PACKAGE * Elegant entry to/exit from CMS SUBSET * ADDNAME PACKAGE * Add file/note addressees to NAMES file * CHKPACK PACKAGE * Check a PACKAGE against a TOOLS disk * CODE PACKAGE * Full screen front end to CIPHER product * COLRXTND PACKAGE * Set XEDIT colours via a window * DEPT PACKAGE * Do lots of things with department lists * DESCRIBE PACKAGE * Describe files in a FILELIST display * EXECUTE2 PACKAGE * Extensions to EXECUTE XEDIT for DESCRIBE * EXTMSG PACKAGE * XEDIT based screen manager * FASTFORA PACKAGE * Fast, intelligent search of FORUM/CFORUM * FILELSND PACKAGE * Full screen sending of files/documents/notes * FLSORT PACKAGE * Sort window for FILELIST/RDRLIST * FORAMENU PACKAGE * Simple front end to FORUM files * FORATREE PACKAGE * Show a display of the responses to an append * GETBACK PACKAGE * Recover an erased file * HELPWIND PACKAGE * A simple window maker * IMDOC PACKAGE * Imbed an OV/VM document into XEDIT session * INFO PACKAGE * Invoke actions via tables * ITEMACTN PACKAGE * Handle 'item' files ( OFSLOGfl etc ) * ITEMLOOK PACKAGE * Search 'item' files ( OFSLOGfl etc ) * LOOK PACKAGE * Search OFSLOGfl/NOTEBOOK files * LOOKALL PACKAGE * Search any type of file using XEDIT * LPREXX PACKAGE * Handy Rexx routines * LPXEDIT PACKAGE * Handy XEDIT routines * MAILDOCS PACKAGE * Mass MAIL or DELETE of OV/VM documents * MENULIST PACKAGE * Support to MENUSYS * MENUSYS PACKAGE * Full screen menus * MEXAMPLE PACKAGE * Support to MENUSYS * MONTH PACKAGE * Put a Calendar on the screen * MSEARCH PACKAGE * Multiple targets, XEDIT based search * N2D PACKAGE * OVMLP macro to turn NOTE into DOCUMENT * NBK PACKAGE * Store WorkGroup notes in a central database * NOTEXTND PACKAGE * Extensions to NOTE ( support to FILELSND ) * PEEKMENU PACKAGE * Extensions to PEEK * PEEKXTND PACKAGE * Extensions to PEEK ( support to FILELSND ) * PICDIR PACKAGE * The picture directory ( display GDDM files ) * PIPEDOCS PACKAGE * Fast, "fuzzy", PIPE-based DataBase searcher * PIPEFIND PACKAGE * Fast, "fuzzy", PIPE-based file searcher * PIPEFUZZ PACKAGE * Fast, "fuzzy", PIPE-based file searcher * PIPELIST PACKAGE * PIPE-based FileList builder * PIPESCAN PACKAGE * Fast, "fuzzy", PIPE-based file searcher * PRINTER PACKAGE * Print most types of file * PUTVER PACKAGE * PUT respecting VERIFY setting * QUERYINF PACKAGE * Manage FORUM subscriptions * RACK PACKAGE * Full screen RECEIVE of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS * RDRLMENU PACKAGE * Extensions to RDRLIST * RDRLAPP PACKAGE * Intelligent APPEND & REPLACE from RDRLIST * REPORTER PACKAGE * Soft-split and mail reports * REPORTSS PACKAGE * Support to REPORTER * RSF PACKAGE * Send files/notes to entries in REQUESTS file * SEE PACKAGE * Like ALL but show entire 'item' ( OFSLOGfl ) * SEEFILE PACKAGE * Point to a filename and display it * SENDMAIL PACKAGE * Send a FILE as a DOCUMENT * SENDXTND PACKAGE * SENDFILE extensions ( support to FILELSND ) * SFL PACKAGE * Super FileList * SPLIT PACKAGE * Split any file that can be split * SRCHDATA PACKAGE * Process the $SEARCH$ OFSDATA file * SRCHDOCS PACKAGE * Search the OV/VM database * TALK2 PACKAGE * Talk to another VM user * TELELIST PACKAGE * Generate a Distribution List from Tele Diry. * TELETREE PACKAGE * Expand a Distribution List from Tele Diry. * TELESITE PACKAGE * Make searching Telephone Directories easier * TOVMWEB PACKAGE * Submit a package to the VM WebSite Download * USAGE PACKAGE * Display disk usage * VIEWER PACKAGE * View most types of file * VIEWGDF PACKAGE * View ADMGDF files * VIEW4GDF PACKAGE * ADMGDF etc editor * WINMAKER PACKAGE * CMS FULLSCREEN windows services interface * XFER2 PACKAGE * Transfer a file from your RDRLIST * 3812PPRT PACKAGE * Full screen front end to PSF/VM * * Available by REQUEST.... * * CARPACK PACKAGE * Calculate UK tax charges for a company car * SUMMARY PACKAGE * Summary display of items in FORUM/OFSLOGfl etc * CODECHK PACKAGE * Check files for TEXT characters * T2DIR02 PACKAGE * Add-ons to the TELE2 PACKAGE DIR02 screen.
Enjoy this package. If you have any questions or observations then send them to me by clicking on my name at the top of this page.