Description of LEXX
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VMARC archive: v-943K
zip archive: z-388K
From Jim Elliott, IBM:
LEXX, The Live Parsing Editor is a fully programmable structured editor for the professional end user. It is a full-screen text editor that can be used for creating and editing many kinds of data, programs, and documentation. It can be programmed to support simple and structured data files of many kinds, and included with the editor is specific support for GML documents and REXX programs.
The editor is designed to operate under the IBM z/VM Conversational Monitor System (z/VM CMS). It can be used with any IBM 3270 Information Display Station or a workstation emulator which provides equivalent function such as IBM Personal Communications, and is especially effective with those supporting colour, highlighting, and programmable symbol sets.
The LEXX application files are located in the LEXX.VMARC file. This file must be download in binary format to CMS and then expanded using VMARC.
Documentation for LEXX is included in the LEXX.ZIP file. The Live Parsing Editor User's Guide is LEXXUG.PDF and the Live Parsing Editor Reference is LEXXREF.PDF. The LEXX.ZIP must be downloaded in binary format to a workstation and expanded using PKZIP or INFOZIP. The PDF files can then be viewed and/or printed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Visit the Adobe Acrobat Web site for information about downloading the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to read and print PDF files.
The LEXX program has a pre-requisite of the Language Environment library (SCEELKED TXTLIB) which is part of z/VM and VM/ESA V2.
Modified on 2003-10-06 to save the LOADLIB list if present.
This package was written by Mike Cowlishaw of IBM UK and was formerly available as part of the CMS Pipelines PRPQ.