Description of INFOLIST
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* The CMS File Manager (R6.1.0) ***************************************** * :nick.INFOLIST * :title.The CMS File Manager. Replaces FILELIST, RDRLIST, MACLIST * :version.6.1.0 :date.00/02/03 :scp.VM/SP, VM/ESA. CMS 5,6,7,8+ * :oname.Jim McGarity :onode.IBMUSM52 :ouser.JIMMCG * :aname.Geoff Smith (ex-IBM employee) :anode. :auser. * :bname. :bnode. :buser. * :support.N :doc.SCRIPT :lang.REXX :source.Y * :sw. * :hw.Any * :kwd.infolist filelist fulist filelels rdrlist maclist fdir dirlist * :abs. Infolist now supports CMS Shared File System! * An advanced file management tool replaces FILELIST, DIRLIST, RDRLIST * and MACLIST. In addition, Infolist helps you manage your files by: * - Finding the files you want (Each file has a description) * - Finding information from within listed files * - Advanced day-to-day file handling function * - Use of SFS and FDIR hierachical directories * New Users: Please print ILINTRO LIST3820 and read it! * * Note: CMS R5 users may need access to RXLOCFN PACKAGE as Infolist uses * the REXX 'wordpos' function. * * R6.1.0: Added IBM copyright statement for external release * R6.0.9: Added Y2K sort fix, new profile settings BLANKSUB & AUTOSCRN * R6.0.8: Changed PEEKX reference to filemode '@' (Thanks to Bill Holder) * R6.0.7: Changed PEEKX reference to PACKAGE file (Thanks to Bill Holder) * R6.0.6: Fixed bug when file arguments include a parenthesis * R6.0.5: Fixed bug when changing filemode via RENAME * R6.0.4: Fixed AUTOSAVE, INFOMSG EXEC and Q CMSLEVEL bugs * R6.0.3: Show IL stack level. Minor bug fixes. * R6.0.2: Prevent Q ACCESSED /LIMITS messages for SP5 users * R6.0.1: Minor fixes for: Reader file search, INFOEX6 * * Files at 6.1.0: INFOMSG EXEC, ILRXSRCO XEXIT, ILRXCOMP XEDIT * Files at 6.0.9: PROFILST XEDIT, PROFILST HELPXEDI, CONVILPR EXEC * Files at 6.0.1: INFOEDIT XEDIT * All other files at R6.0.0 INFOLIST EXEC * Infolist front end - invokes ILRXxxxx ILRXSRCO XEDIT * Infolist main program - REXX source (onelined) ILRXCOMP XEDIT * Infolist main program - REXX compiled INFOEDIT XEDIT * Infolist Description management INFOMSG EXEC * Messages for INFOLIST and INFOEDIT PROFILST XEDIT * INFOLIST profile - for user tailoring INFOHELP XEDIT * Contextual first level help for Infolist INFOLIST HELPCMS * INFOLIST Help File INFOEDIT HELPXEDI * INFOEDIT Help File PROFILST HELPXEDI * Help for Installing and Customising Infolist ILINTRO LIST3820 * "Introducing INFOLIST" 3820 Document ILREF LIST3820 * "INFOLIST Reference" 3820 Document XR XEDIT * Rotate the XEDIT ring to the desired file LOADMIXD XEDIT * Allow editing of mixed case files INFOPKG EXEC * Extract PACKAGE file descriptions INFOSYN EXEC * Display current User, Sort or screen synonyms CONVILPR EXEC * Convert old PROFILST profiles to new format ILFILES STORE * Descriptions for files in Infolist Package * * Optional co-requisites to INFOLIST: * PEEKX PACKAGE @ XEDIT ring PEEK from PEEKX PACKAGE ILEXITS PACKAGE * Sample User Exits for Infolist (R5.2.0)