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**********************  Unclassified  **********************************
* :nick.ICKGENSA   :sec.Unclassified                  :disk.IBMVMGAT
* :title.Generate ICKDSF to work with SAPL (Stand-alone program loader)
* :version.1.0     :date.93/08/26   :summary.NONE     :support.X
* :oname.Donald A. Friedel Jr.      :onode.GDLVM7     :ouser.CLIMBING
* :aname.David R. Boloker           :anode.CAMBVM3    :auser.BOLOKER
* :ops.VM/ESA 2.0                   :lang.REXX        :source.Y
* :doc.HELPCMS
* :abs.Provides a work-around solution so that DSF will work with the
* Stand-Alone Loader Program (SAPL) available in VM/ESA 1.2.0 and
* above.
* :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant
* IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material
* as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference.
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