Description of GUIBLD95

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From Christine Casey, IBM:

This package lets you write CMS GUI programs using the GUI Builder visual tool. The visual tool provided in this package is fro use with a Windows 95 workstation. Much of the code that is common in most GUI applications will be done for you, and you choose the objects you want to create and have displayed in your GUI window. The additional coding of wiring the objects together, and any host logic must be added manually once you have the base program that was created by the builder.

See the READ ME file provided with this package for instructions on how top load this code on your windows 95 workstation. Once loaded, issuing GBUILDER will start the tool for you to build your CMS GUI applications. You can choose to have the source code generated in Rexx or SAS C++, which can then be uploaded to your VM/ESA system and compiled and run from there.