Description of FILEMGR

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FileManager/VM helps you manage files on your CMS disks and find information in those files quickly.

  • A built in search facility lets you find files containing a search string.
  • Files can be grouped into folders so it's easier to work with all of the files related to a project regardless of their file name or type.
  • Files as well as folders can be tagged with a 40 character description which you see on the main panel display next to the file name and type.
  • A list of files that have expired is presented to you if you have set expiration dates on them.
  • CMS system files, or any file on your disk for that matter, can be hidden from view so as not to clutter up the display.
  • FileManager panels are CUA compliant and both full-screen and pop-up panels are used.

FileManager/VM was previously available as an IBM PRPQ (5799-FLT).

FileManager/VM requires the CUA2001 package be installed also.