Description of FCXRENAM

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The VM Performance Toolkit (Perfkit) server writes log and history files on its A disk. It uses the current date as the file name of the detailed history data log file. Up to three generations of these detailed performance data files are automatically kept on the PERFSVM A-disk, with the filetypes HISTLOG, HISTLOG1, and HISTLOG2 for the current file and for the two previous files. The filetypes are automatically be renamed, and the oldest file (HISTLOG2) erased before the files are renamed. Perfkit contains a built in exit to call procedure FCXRENAM EXEC on any accessed disk immediately after doing this renaming. This exec can be used to copy the older history files to another disk in order to save more history data.

This package provides a sample FCXRENAM exec that will automatically move the oldest history and log files from the A disk to the log disk on the PERFSVM server. (The log disk is the 195 minidisk or WORK195 directory on the PERFSVM userid.) 20 days of log files are kept by default, but this value can be changed by modifying a variable in the exec.

In addition, Perfkit can be configured to keep detailed benchmark data for selected userids and/or devices. These history files are also stored on the A disk and renamed by the automatic Perfkit A disk cleanup. The filenames of these files are either the userid or the device that is benchmarked. Because the filename is constant, only 9 generations of these files (suffix 1-9) can be maintained on the A disk and the log disk. The FCXRENAM EXEC renames the filetype on the log disk each day to a larger number, erasing the oldest file.

The files on the log disk are not packed, so that Perfkit selection menu number 32 ("History data files") can be used to view the files.

Feedback: Bruce Hayden IBM Advanced Technical Support