Description of EXPLAIN

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* :nick.EXPLAIN    :sec.                              :disk.TOOLSU
* :title.EXPLAIN
* :version.1.1     :date.94/11/08   :summary.ANNOUNCE :support.A
* :oname.Bill Buscher               :onode.FSHVMFK1   :ouser.BUSCHER
* :aname.Bill Buscher               :anode.FSHVMFK1   :auser.BUSCHER
* :hw.370                           :sw.WORDSMITH JARGON GDDMREXX
* :ops.VM                           :lang.REXX        :source.Y
* :doc.EXPLAIN ?
* :kwd.hypertext dictionary graphics wordsmith
* :abs.Generate a graphic display or a set of text definitions for a
* selected word or phrase.  Invoke from CMS or from any XEDIT display.
* In an XEDIT display, you can select with a cursor the word or phrase
* you want explained.  If you select a "(D)" in the display, the file
* named by the following expression is displayed.  If you select a
* "(*)", the following expression is executed.
* :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant
* IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material
* as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference.
* (c) Copyright International Businesss Machines Corporation 1995.
* All Rights Reserved.
EXPLAIN  ANNOUNCE * EXPLAIN phrase <(references>
EXPLAIN  EXEC     *  EXPLAIN phrase <(references>
EXPLAIN  NAMES    *  References names
EXPLAIN  XEDIT    *  SET PFn EXPLAIN; then move cursor and press PFn.
XEDITQRY EXEC     *  Queue "XEDITQRY" and invoke XEDIT.
XEDITQRY XEDIT    *  Elicit input via XEDIT screen.