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************************************************************************ * :nick.DUPL :sec.Unclassified :disk.VMTOOLS * :title.Establish 3990 duplex pair * :version.1.0 :date.95/01/03 :summary.PACKAGE :support.A * :oname.Bryan Henderson :onode.STLVM4 :ouser.BRYANH * :aname.Bryan Henderson :anode.STLVM4 :auser.BRYANH * :ops.CMS :lang.rexx :source.Y * :doc.helpcms * :kwd.duplex pair 3990 dual copy * :abs.Create duplex pair using virtual devices. Better messages, fewer * failures than CP DUPLEX command * :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant * IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material * as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference. ************************************************************************ * :prereq.(DIAG00E4 PACKAGE) DUPL EXEC * Main program DUPL HELPCMS * Documentation for package DUPL CSLLIB * I/O routines used by DUPL EXEC * * Following are not needed to run DUPL DUPL CSLCNTRL * Control file for building DUPL CSLLIB DUPLON ASSEMBLE * Source for DUPLON CSL routine DUPLON TEMPLATE * CSL template for building DUPL CSLLIB