Description of DRMGUI
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5 this month, 5851 altogether.
Downloads for DRMGUI :
VMARC archive: v-551K
From Kris Buelens, IBM Belgium
DRMGUI is a CMS/GUI application. It allows to defragment VM disks. Defragmentation is wanted for example when you are searching space for a few large minidisks, or to make some disks empty.As a user of DRMGUI, you remain the "master", you can tell which minidisk must be moved, and where it will be placed too.
Using a mouse, you select a disk to defragment, and point to a minidisk to be moved. DRMGUI will then obtain information about the minidisk: how full is it, who is currently linked to it, ...
To move it, select the Select New Place button. DRMGUI opens a new panel with the cursor placed on the smallest free area where the minidisk can be moved to. You then have some choices:
- enter a new value for the minidisk size
- select another place by putting the cursor on another free area
- ask DRMGUI to search for another place
- confirm the move request by selecting the Move button
Besides the obvious need for VM's CMS/GUI feature, some other SW pieces are required:
- DRMGUI uses parts of the DRM PACKAGE
- We also need the DIRMAP module to produce the MDISKMAP of your CP directory. DIRMAP is part of the CUF feature, or standard in z/VM V4.2
- DRMGUI uses Dirmaint or DFSMS to move minidisks. Even when you
request that moves be done with DFSMS, a directory manager like
DIRMAINT is required.
- DFSMS is a free feature of VM/ESA and z/VM.
- It contains a very fast mdisk move command.
- But, it must be installed and requires some tailoring (you need at least to tell who is authorized to use DFSMS)
Changes for 1.2
- Refresh didn't work as the DRMGREFR GBEXEC was not shipped.
- One can move minidisks with "automatic target space selection". That is: you don't have to confirm that the proposed place is OK.
- Some other small changes. (such as better error handling in $DRM$ XEDIT).
- It is possible to look at the classic MDISKMAP too.
More work is going on...