Description of CQ
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7 this month, 5536 altogether.
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********************** IBM Internal Use Only ************************* * :nick.ABC :sec.IBM Internal Use Only :disk.VMTOOLS * :title.Query Status of Local or Remote Network Users * :version.3.40 :date.93/07/08 :summary.ANNOUNCE :support.A * :oname.Paul D. Nigro :onode.SFOVMIC1 :ouser.PNIGRO * :aname.Paul D. Nigro :anode.SFOVMIC1 :auser.PNIGRO * :bname. :bnode. :buser. * :sw.REXX * :ops.VM/SP 1.5+, 2.1 :lang.REXX :source.Y * :doc.HELPCMS * :kwd.Query Local Remote Users * :abs.Queries Status of local or remote network users. Resolves various * PROFS or VM names, nicknames, and distribution lists. Based on HAM * radio's famous CQ call. For example "CQ TEAM" would query the status * of members of distribution list (NAMES or PROFS). Has interfaces for * CALLUP (TELE) and Profs Note facilities (including .cc) * NOTE: CQ can be both Windows and Non Windows. The DEFAULT is WINDOWS. * * *************SERVICE DISK INSTALLERS**************** * * CQ is designed to be placed on a commonly access disk so that only * one copy need exist on a system. * * EDIT CQ and REVIEW DEFAULTS FOR YOUR INSTALLATION - ESPECIALLY * NOTE TELCALL for Callup or Tele!!!!!! * * :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant * IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material * as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference. *********************************************************************** * CQ PACKAGE * This file CQ EXEC * Windows Version of CQ(V3.40) CQ README * INSTALL for IBMVMGAT users only(non-IBM) ***********************************************************************