Description of CP3KVMXT

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From Gretchen Frye, IBM Washington Systems Center

The zCP3000 VM Extract Utility (CP3KVMXT) summarizes VM monitor data into a stuctured but readable file describing the configuration and performance of a single z/VM partition over a period of time. The resulting EDF (Electronic Data File) is used as input for the IBM capacity planning tool zCP3000 and the IBM zPCR Processor Comparison Reference. The CP3KVMXT utility

  • accepts as input either realtime monitor data or saved monitor data
  • can process multiple (ie hourly LINMON) monitor files into one EDF.
  • accumulates short CP intervals into longer, user-defined measurement periods.
  • supports the use of a PARMS file to provide run-time paramaters.

The accumulation of CP intervals into longer "durations" makes it easier to deal with the longer time periods of performance data needed for capacity planning.

Links to download the cp3kvmxt tool, and to documentation on setting up prerequisites, collecting monitor data, and running the tool, are available in the IBM support page CP3KVMXT - VM Extract Utility CP3000 and zPCR Capacity Planning Support Tools


  • 21 Jun 2024 v2.9h - updated FCPI, SCPL1M, RNI calcs; recovery boost support
  • 26 Sep 2023 v2.9g - Cobol inefficiency indicator
  • 17 Jul 2023 v2.9f - new AIU metrics
  • 01 May 2023 v2.9e - copyfile-pack support
  • 31 Oct 2022 v2.9d - relative, absolute, max user share, plus limit
  • 13 Sep 2022 v2.9c - timestamp out of order messaging
  • 01 Jun 2022 v2.9b - z16 topology change indicator
  • 17 Feb 2022 v2.9a - z16 RNI and topology; i/o processor field
  • 03 May 2021 v2.8n - user vstor fix; new i/o processor util; lpar group capping
  • 15 Apr 2021 v2.8m - dedicated IFL+GCP fix; LPARCPU fix
  • 07 Oct 2020 v2.8l - startdate 4-digit year; sq2dc error
  • 24 Sep 2020 v2.8k - support compiled cp3kvmxt; new field for SIIS
  • 30 Jul 2020 v2.8j - Quit if out of order timestamps
  • 28 Jan 2020 v2.8i - CPUMF: new SIIS Indicator field
  • 09 Dec 2019 v2.8h - CPUMF: IFL LPARCPU, TLBR, RMEMP
  • 10 Sep 2019 v2.8g - CPUMF z15 and LPARCPU
  • 20 Mar 2019 v2.8f - bad CMIND; D0R20 not reqd; PAGEMB listfile err; bad PAGEDS
  • 03 Jul 2018 v2.8e - parked by core, not thread; out of order timestamp
  • 23 May 2018 v2.8d - 3 digit GHZ, parked IFL problem; new PAGEMB; maxpu vector;
  • 17 Apr 2018 v2.8c - sampsSIO error; CPUMF CFVN=3 for z14;
  • 05 Mar 2018 v2.8b - identify SVM userids; VM65396 fields; maxpu field
  • 16 Feb 2018 v2.8a - impossible WEXCPV; new CPUMF prbt; very large machine config
  • 07 Dec 2017 v2.7o - abs capping field added; SMT thread density; z14 cpumf change
  • 20 Oct 2017 v2.7n - cputime problem w/ dedicated cps on 6.4
  • 10 Aug 2017 v2.7m - z14 CPUMF; multiple mondata file input; vary on processor fix
  • 16 May 2017 v2.7l - filemode B is referenced in error
  • 03 Mar 2017 v2.7k - bad SMTEFFML; z/VM 6.4 fix; MDCCS fix; z13 RNI fix
  • 23 Nov 2016 v2.7j - sys and user TV ratio, SSI fields, native (non-LPAR) fix
  • 16 Feb 2016 v2.7i - fixes: 00:60, LL2LP, HWIND; logon/off/on; NODEBUG option
  • 15 Dec 2015 v2.7h - LP capping problem; use cpu s/n from STSI; HDV fld
  • 22 Sep 2015 v2.7g - SMT metrics should have 5 digit precision
  • 28 Aug 2015 v2.7f - deltamf abend during cpumf processing, TLB calcs
  • 31 Jul 2015 v2.7e - CEC hardware model, smt benefit for IFL
  • 17 Apr 2015 v2.7d - ghz.lcptype problem, new CPUMF TLB fields, SSI name
  • 14 Jan 2015 v2.7c - new machines, hiperdispatch, dedicated xstor problem
  • 22 Jul 2013 v2.7a - new memory fields PGES, PAGESLOT
  • 02 Jul 2013 v2.6k - 5 digit cpu sernum; quit if user event disabled
  • 26 Sep 2012 v2.6j - broken for non-LPAR; invalid vDisk uid; CPUMF change for zEC12
  • 30 Aug 2012 v2.6i - all users put in DEFAULT uclass
  • 27 Aug 2012 v2.6h - MONDCSS runhours broken; drop uclass; c2d all pairs
  • 24 May 2012 v2.6g - digits precision problem; short PBBY, channel util problems
  • 09 Apr 2012 v2.6f - overflow error when no MDC has been allocated
  • 23 Mar 2012 v2.6e - new page dev,util; svcLvl; SAN hint; fix 1st intv & PBBY
  • 31 Jan 2012 v2.6d - IFL CPUMF, memory rpt when virt cpu>1, D1R9 missing msg
  • 07 Nov 2011 v2.6c - problems with CPUMF reporting; new processIO option
  • 28 Oct 2011 v2.6b - option utilization enhancements
  • 03 Oct 2011 v2.6a - D5R13 hw monitor records; BCU and path busy fixes
  • 03 Aug 2011 v2.5d - bad vector if user logon mid-intv; mondcss preview
  • 17 May 2011 v2.5c - WAFN problem, loop->BCUDATA very big
  • 06 Apr 2011 v2.5b - bad chpid busy info, problem w/ large chkpt data
  • 08 Mar 2011 v2.5a - power saving mode; sync start time to 00:00; CPCID fix
  • 21 Feb 2011 v2.4f - empty tranv error; CPC; channel path info; nsamps
  • 31 Dec 2010 v2.4e - bad vstor; ignore non-dasd; null GMT; unreq rx compiler
  • 20 Oct 2010 v2.4d - basic mode support; 1-line "Testing" EDF
  • 17 Jun 2010 v2.4c - user logoff in first duration; 0 and 100% util problem
  • 17 May 2010 v2.4b - problemror user logoff between interval 1 and 2
  • 02 May 2010 v2.4a - support for mixed engine partitions; inactive crypto
  • 12 Mar 2010 v2.3h - duplicate LPWT field
  • 12 Feb 2010 v2.3g - LPWT and crypto support
  • 13 Jan 2010 v2.3f - dedicated engines (2); sysid not lpname; smfdsn
  • 07 Dec 2009 v2.3e - dedicated engines show as 100%; line 3155 format error
  • 27 Oct 2009 v2.3d - vstor wrong for nway guests; quit early for missing data
  • 30 Apr 2009 v2.3c - problem with monitor data newer than 7 Apr 2009
  • 10 Apr 2009 v2.3b - bad CR, PR; preview; ziip/zaap config; CStoES bug; CMMR
  • 20 Nov 2008 v2.3 - new storage model support in CP3000; rename to CP3KVMXT
  • 18 Aug 2008 v2.2o - fix unknown BCU, fix problem with spec char uid
  • 18 Mar 2008 v2.2n - i/o domain, class B no longer req'd; Infiniband
  • 18 Oct 2007 v2.2m - routine not found error processing inactive dasd
  • 18 Apr 2007 v2.2l - fix non-ebcdic volser, extra (, genBCU bad nsamp
  • 13 Feb 2007 v2.2k - countng PATH statement, null ACT.rdevsid
  • 13 Oct 2006 v2.2i - fix for dedicated CPs & duplicate timestamp
  • 20 Sep 2006 v2.2h - fix where bcuio is zero
  • 20 Sep 2006 v2.2g - non-cache dasd, off/on/off users, new warnings
  • about bad intervals & durations
  • 20 May 2006 v2.2f - inactive user code fix; system CR fix
  • 20 Mar 2006 v2.2e - discontinue default user class; fix for LCPTYPE proble
  • 26 Jul 2005 - support for new IBM System z9 processors
  • 14 Feb 2005 - fixes for config change, high i/o rate; new
  • options startdate, starttime, durlimit
  • 29 Sep 2004 - fixes for zero divide, midnight date/time bug
  • 25 Aug 2004 - fixes for counter wrap & SP PUN; actvusrs cpu%
  • 08 Jul 2004 - Support for channel path, BCU, dasd
  • 08 Apr 2004 - Support for z/890 and IFL engines
  • 18 Mar 2004 - fix for REXX error 41 in line 654