Description of CHGPROFX

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* :nick.CHGPROFX
* :title.Alternate CHARGE Profile System
* :copyright.Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1993
* :version.2.0          :date.92/03/31   :scp.VM
* :oname.David W. Marquart               :onode.RCHVMW   :ouser.MARQUART
* :aname.David W. Marquart               :anode.RCHVMW   :auser.MARQUART
* :bname.John A. Pershing Jr.            :bnode.YKTVMH   :buser.PERSHNG
* :support.X    :doc.Script/BookMaster   :lang.REXX      :source.Y
* :sw.CHARGE ProcessMaster BookMaster
* :hw.
* :kwd.CHARGE character graphics profile
* :repository.IBMVMGAT
* :abs.Provides ability for users to change CHARGE profiles without
* editing an exec.  Uses a non-exec profile file that makes setting
* PF keys and other values simple.  Shipped with defaults that set up
* easier-to-use PFkeys than the standard CHARGE set; also sets up
* XEDIT TEXT mode and CHARGE synonyms.
* It works with the CHARGE tool shipped as part of ProcessMaster.
* See CHGPROFX LICENSE for the terms and conditions for using CHGPROFX.
* :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant IBM a
*      non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material as set forth
*      in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference.
*      NOTE: This is John Pershing's REXX translation
*            of the CHARGE profile exec, modified to
*            provide the simpler PROFILE capability.
      CHGPROFX XEDIT    *  The profile file.
*                          There are several ways to use it:
*                          - Copy to a disk ahead of the one that
*                            the rest of CHARGE is on and rename
*                            to "CHGPROF XEDIT"
*                          - Use the NEWCHG and OLDCHG macros to invoke
*                            CHGPROFX as the CHARGE profile without
*                            renaming CHGPROFX
*                          - Use the DZAIINIT macro:
*                              MACRO DZAIINIT OLD PROFILE CHGPROFX
*                              MACRO DZAIINIT NEW PROFILE CHGPROFX
*                            (You should set up a calling macro or a
*                             synonym in this case.)
*                          Refer to the user's guide.
      CHARGE   PROFILE  *  The default profile file used by CHGPROFX.
*                          Each user may want a copy.
      NEWCHG   XEDIT    *  Macro to start CHARGE session for a new
*                          diagram;  calls up CHGPROFX profile.
*                          Useful if you don't want to rename CHGPROFX
*                          to CHGPROF and usurp the product name.
      OLDCHG   XEDIT    *  Macro to start CHARGE session for a old
*                          diagram;  calls up CHGPROFX profile.
*                          Useful if you don't want to rename CHGPROFX
*                          to CHGPROF and usurp the product name.
      CHGPROFX LIST3820 *  Manual for CHGPROFX in LIST3820 form.
      CHGPROFX SCRIPT   *  Manual for CHGPROFX in BookMaster
      CHGPROFX LICENSE  *  License terms for CHGPROFX