Description of CHECKREF

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**********************  Unclassified  **********************************
* :nick.CHECKREF   :sec.Unclassified                  :disk.IBMVMGAT
* :title.Checks BookMaster symbols and cross-references
* :version.0.30a   :date.94/12/02   :summary.NEWS     :support.X
* :oname.Wade Tai                   :onode.STLVM14    :ouser.WADETAI
* :aname.Wade Tai                   :anode.STLVM14    :auser.WADETAI
* :sw.IOS3270 GETFMADR ProcessMaster
* :ops.CMS R8                       :lang.REXX        :source.Y
* :doc.SCRIPT
* :abs.CHECKREF looks at your BookMaster source files and identifies
* undefined and miscoded symbols and cross-refs. It automatically
* includes embedded files and processes simple vanilla DVCF, as
* well as psc tags. It can run in batch and work with your default
* :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant IBM a
* non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material as set forth in
* the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference.
* ProcessMaster settings.
&1 &2 CHECKREF NEWS     * What's new in this version
&1 &2 CHECKREF SCRIPT   * Documentation for CHECKREF and FIXREF
&1 &2 CHECKREF HELPCMS  * Online documentation for CHECKREF and FIXREF
&1 &2 CHECKREF EXEC     * Main exec, REXX/370 compiled version
&1 &2 CHECKREF DATA     * File containing panels, tag, and symbol data
&1 &2 FIXREF   XEDIT    * XEDIT macro for fixing flagged errors
&1 &2 CHECKSYM EXEC     * Exec for updating symbols in CHECKREF DATA
&1 &2 CHECKREF SEXEC    * Interpreter version of CHECKREF EXEC
&1 &2 FIXREF   SXEDIT   * Interpreter version of FIXREF XEDIT
&1 &2 CHECKSYM SEXEC    * Interpreter version of CHECKSYM EXEC
&1 &2 COMPILE  EXEC     * Tool for compiling interpreter versions