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VMARC archive: v-810K
Charlotte 2.1.0 fix level 192 built 2010-03-30 at 17:45 Summary of features of Charlotte V2R1 web browser for VM/CMS ------------------------------------------------------------ - Provides full-screen text-only web access from VM/CMS terminal. - Uses extended 3270 highlighting and colour where available. - Based primarily on HTML 3.2 and HTTP 1.0 specifications. - Includes for example DIV tag and ALIGN option on P tag. - Supports client-side image maps (MAP and AREA tags). - Where necessary, follows common practice rather than standards. - Usually end comment at "-->" rather than using strict SGML rules. - Many other minor features for compatibility with other browsers. - Handles HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, GOPHER, NNTP (news) and local FILE protocols. - Can also alternatively use external GOPHER or NEWS client. - HTTPS support requires separate SSL encryption support package. - Supports SOCKS or PROXY firewall servers. - Can specify direct connection to selected addresses. - Supports multiple firewalls with selection by protocol or host name. - Supports binary download (either via link or form submit). - Formats complex documents much faster than older REXX-only browser. - Formatter is written in C/370 (using System Programming C subset). - Wide tables are automatically adjusted to fit screen if possible. - Copes well with common errors such as missing or mismatched end tags. - Interrogates terminal character set to select correct translate table. - Supports all ISO 8859-1 Latin-1 characters and character entities. - Approximates most characters unavailable on non-CECP 3278/3279. - Approximates some Windows 3.1 extended characters (ASCII 128-159). - Uses APL/Text characters for tables and bullets where supported. - Also supports APL/Text square brackets in input data. - Can link to URL appearing in text as well as explicit hyperlink. - Text area input data can be edited using XEDIT. - Makes it easier to edit multi-line text. - Also allows existing text to be included in a text area. - Supports scrolling right/left in document and within input fields. - Includes scrolling right in input prompt, for entering long URLs. - Active documents are retained in main storage or on disk. - Includes web map function for switching between active documents. - Automatically recognizes when a link returns to a previous document. - Restores "Return" key path to its previous state (with a message). - Usually makes it easier to navigate through hierarchical documents. - User can specify preferences such as PF key style using options. - Advanced users or installations can easily define new option files. - PF key sets are switched automatically according to context. - Supports debug tracing of all TCP/IP calls and results. - Supports basic authentication (userid/password) protocol. - Supports proxy authentication (HTTP 1.1 extension). - Provides Host header to support virtual hosts (HTTP 1.1 extension). - Provides automatic links to give access to frames-only web pages. - Leading "http://" is assumed if necessary on URLs entered by the user. - Includes on-line help for end user and for configuration options. - Supports "cookies" to retain information between server requests. - Supports Netscape-style cookies plus "max-age" as in RFC 2109. Prerequisites ------------- - Requires CMS Pipelines. - Tolerates 1.1.6 or equivalent (PRPQ or as supplied with VM/ESA). - Works better with recent "Field test" version (1.1.10). - Requires TCP/IP for VM. - Supports CMS 5.6 or above. - REXX components are normally run compiled (using release 3). - Can also be run interpreted if run-time library is not available. - Requires REXX sockets version 2 or above (included in CMS 13). Tags fully or mostly supported (mostly to HTML 3.2 level) --------------------------------------------------------- A, ADDRESS, B, BASE, BLOCKQUOTE, BODY, BR, CAPTION, CENTER, CITE, CODE, DD, DFN, DIR, DIV, DL, DT, EM, FORM, H1-H6, HEAD, HR, HTML, I, INPUT, ISINDEX, KBD, LI, LISTING, MENU, OL, OPTION, P, PLAINTEXT, PRE, Q, QUOTE, SAMP, SCRIPT, STYLE, SELECT, STRONG, TABLE, TD, TEXTAREA, TH, TITLE, TR, TT, U, UL, VAR, XMP. Tags partially supported ------------------------ AREA, FRAME, FRAMESET, IMAGE, IMG, MAP.