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********************** UNCLASSIFIED ********************************** * :nick.CGLOBALS :sec.UNCLASSIFIED :disk.IBMVMGAT * :title.Incl. GLOBAL TXTLIBs & LOADLIBs in a C/370 load module. * :version.1.0 :date.94/11/07 :summary.EXEC :support.AS * :oname.C.W.Cheung :onode.TOROLAB6 :ouser.CHEUNGCW * :aname.C.W.Cheung :anode.TOROLAB6 :auser.CHEUNGCW * :hw.370/390 :sw.C/370 V2 * :ops.VM/ESA :lang.ASM/REXX :source.N * :doc.Comments * :kwd.GLOBAL TXTLIB LOADLIB CGLOBAL EDCLINK EDCBASE IBMLIB CMSLIB * :abs.Eliminate the need of a front end EXEC to issue GLOBAL LOADLIB * and TXTLIBs for C/370 programs. * :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant * IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material * as set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference. ************************************************************************ * Eliminate the need of a front end EXEC to issue GLOBAL LOADLIB * and TXTLIBs for C/370 programs. * C-program can execute CMS command internally. * but they cannot be started without the appropriate globals, therefore * an EXEC is always needed or else the user has to do it in their PROFILE * EXEC. * CGLOBALS appends a text file in front of the C text file that * contain the C/370 main program. * They will be linked statically in the CMOD process. * This bootstrap program will do the GLOBAL TXTLIB and LOADLIBs * before branching to the C-program. * After that you can go on CMOD as ususal. CGLOBALS LICENSE * CGLOBALS EXEC *