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************************************************************************ * :nick.$PCAL :sec.Unclassifieid :disk.IBMVMGAT * :title.Reformat PROFS Weekly Calendar printout. * :version.4.0 :date.94/11/07 :summary.ANNOUNCE :support.X * :oname.Roger E. Plant :onode.RHQVM09 :ouser.ROGERP * :aname.Roger E. Plant :anode.RHQVM09 :auser.ROGERP * :sw.DAYTIME MODULE * :ops.VM - with PROFS (OV/VM) :lang.REXX :source.Y * :doc.$PCALDEF * :abs.Issue $PCALDEF for an explanation of this facility. * Five (5) files should be reviewed for INSTALLATION VARIABLES. * :lic.By placing material on this conference, I agree to grant * IBM a non-exclusive, royalty-free license for the material as * set forth in the LICENSE AGREEMNT file on this conference. * (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1995. * All Rights Reserved ************************************************************************ * :repository.IBMVMGAT $PCAL ANNOUNCE * Announcement of changes to $PCAL. $PCAL SCRIPT * Option included in the $$PRNT$$ $$FILE$$. * Next five (5) files should be reviewed for INSTALLATION VARIABLES. $PCAL EXEC * EXEC executed by the $PCAL PROFS option. $PCALDEF EXEC * Executed by the $PCAL EXEC. $PCALFMT XEDIT * MACRO to reformat the PROFS Weekly CALENDAR. $PCALMON EXEC * Used to generate 3 months for each week. $PCALPCP XEDIT * MACRO to reformat print file for PCPRINT. * Prerequisite: * $$PRNT$$ $$FILE$$ at column 61, must be modified as follows: * 1. for ANYOUT: O OVOPTS EXEC $PCAL ON xxxx * 2. for AFPPRNT: R yyyy FORM xxxx O AFPPRNT * 3. for $PCAL: R yyyy FORM xxxx O $PCAL * 4. PPRINT calenders: EXEC $PCAL PCPRINT * 5. PPRINT other files: EXEC PCPRINT PRNTFILE * where xxxx = the Printer ID * yyyy = the Routing NODE ID * "3." should be used only if your site does * not use AFPPRNT or ANYOUT. * DAYTIME MODULE * Used by the $PCALMON EXEC.